Building Community on the Trails: November

Every Hike the World adventure is unique. Our community hikes are no exception.  Organizing just the right hike for just the right people isn't easy. We take great pride in finding the perfect trail for each season and each group.

We plan our routes precisely and create customized maps or written trail directions for any interested attendees. If they have a great time, we hope they'll think of us whenever they hit the trails. Or even better- take a friend on a new Hike the World adventure.

We can't express our gratitude quite enough for the people who have hiked with us over the past few months. Their enthusiasm and support were boundless! It means a great deal to us that we have received such positive feedback from all of our community hikes. 

We lead hikes because it builds kinship and it encourages people to look out for one another. The hiking community has always been a kind one but witnessing it first hand on the cliffs, the rock scrambles and the mountains is a humbling experience. We've heard people shout words of encouragement to other members, seen them lend a hand on rough terrain and cheer wildly when someone gets to the top of that tough climb. 

Watching friendships blossom on our hikes has been an unexpected pleasure. We were thrilled to find out that two hikers had made plans to become regular hiking buddies after meeting on one of our hikes. It's been an honor taking people out on the trails and we plan on doing that for many months to come!

We have some exciting adventures planned for December (including an HtW MEMBER ONLY hike!) and an even bigger announcement coming soon. Exhilarating things are on the horizon for the Hike the World crew and we can't WAIT to share it all with you. 

If you haven't become a Hike the World member yet, you can join today! Members get special perks. You'll get a pretty sweet membership card (seriously, it's legit), a welcome letter and two FREE stickers in the mail. You'll also be invited to special member-only sales for Hike the World gear AND if we have any hikes with limited spots, you'll get the first chance to sign up before we open it up to the public. 

Interested in our community hikes? Check them out on our event page or follow us on Facebook for updates on what we are planning! 


Solo Hiking by Jen King


I'm Not a Hiker, But I Walked a Thousand Miles by Beth Jusino